Mail at Camp
Letter writing is the very best way to keep in touch with your camper during camp. Please do not send anything valuable to camp. We cannot guarantee that mail that arrives after your camper departs will be returned or make its way to your camper.
Address letters to:
Besant Hill School
Attn: Amplify
8585 N Ojai Santa Paula Rd
Ojai, CA 93023
Return address should be the camper’s usual mailing address.

“My daughter has attended both Berklee Summer Immersion and Idyllwild Arts Summer Program, and Amplify blew both of them out of the water. She came home with more technical skills than either program while being more inspired and happy than I have ever seen her. 1,000% worth it.” Margie, parent of Journey, 13 years old

“I wanted to say thank you. My daughter loved camp. She had gone to a well-known big sleepaway camp 2 summers in a row, and we both came away feeling like something was missing. She didn’t feel connected or herself there. She told me that at Amplify she felt accepted for who she is and fully appreciated and not self-conscious at all. Can’t imagine anything more we could want for her.” —Tanya, parent of Sydney, 9 years old

“I can tell by Lemi’s response to camp that the investment is exemplary. The first thing she said to me about Amplify was: ‘Thank you so much for sending me there. I have never been so loved by so many people at one time who were not my family.’” Millie, Parent to Lemi, 10 years old

“This camp changed my life last year. So many people and staff made me feel welcome during my 2-week stay that this summer I’m coming for 4 weeks to live my dreams here at this camp. No matter what you do, everyone supports you…I’ve never experienced this. I wish everyone could come to this camp for classes and fun, right? But really this camp gives me much, much more…” —Nora, 11 years old

“My daughter has been attending Amplify since she was in 4th grade and is now joining the team as staff at 19. Her three siblings are following in her footsteps and I honestly don’t think our family would be the same without this special community. Whether you are into music or photography / film making – your kid will flourish here. No experience necessary either! The amazing staff meet your kiddo right where they are at. Raising four girls, Amplify is always the first thing I recommend!” Kellie, Parent of Esme, 22, Zadie, 21, Winnie, 15, and Olive, 11

“This is a life changing summer camp!! The camp shows girls how to really support each other and removes the element of competition. The result: campers creating beyond incredible creative projects while making life long friendships and feeling genuinely proud of both their own accomplishments and their peers” Sophie, 22 years old (past camper, now staff)

“My daughter had an amazing week at Amplify Sleep Away Camp these past four weeks in Ojai. Wrote a song with 4 other girls and performed for the parents this morning. She had a blast! We’ll be back next year.” Susan, parent of Rachel, 16 years old

“My daughter attended last year. It was her first time ever being away from home. She was so scared, but excited. I could not ask for a better camp for my daughter to attend.“ Ret, father of Zoey, 10 years old

“My daughter just played me the song she wrote last week at Amplify. It made me cry it was so beautiful. This camp and these counselors opened a door to her creativity that was closed. What a wonderful gift. I highly recommend this camp for girls who need a moment in a nurturing environment to unleash their creative potential. I’m feeling filled with gratitude right now!” Norah, parent