girls smiling
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Electric Youth

4th–5th grade

ELECTRIC YOUTH are invited to join us for the last 2 sessions of the summer. Amplify’s youngest family members share a dorm room with 1 or 2 other Electric Youth, with residential counselors no more than 2 doors away. They reside on the same floor as the camper restroom and shower, have an earlier bed time, and participate in immersives and electives with Lights, our 2nd youngest camper group.

Campers grow and evolve every year… Their camp experience should, too! Every aspect of camp is fine-tuned to best nurture and support youth where they’re at (and where they’re going). That’s why older campers get additional privileges, challenges, and opportunities to be incredible role models to younger campers.

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  • Many group activities to promote positive sense of community, plus emphasis on breaks for play, snacks, downtime.
  • Super fun field day day with “free choice” schedule.
  • Beginning to develop sense of personal independence, resilience, basic skill building.
  • Staff keep track of their schedules and lead them to each daily activity.
  • Nurturing staff members help campers build self-confidence, act as respectful community members and establish foundations for lifelong friendships