Hip Hop Dance & Choreography


With the guidance of a professional, awesomely uplifting instructor, campers in this immersive take their love of dance to the next level by mastering not only cool techniques but also their very own original CHOREOGRAPHY!

Campers are engaged in daily lessons all about immersing themselves—no matter what level they’re currently at, even total beginners—in street dance technique and choreography/freestyle abilities. They learn from and rehearse with working professional dancers/artists, importantly creating their own unique work with new tools and approaches. We love that all our campers are empowered to make valuable, substantial contributions to their arts communities now and forever.

Campers show off their original choreographed piece in front of a live audience—the whole camp community—at the final showcase, held in our beautiful Zalk Theater, a real pro-level black box theater! All our immersives, of course including hip hop dance, emphasize the beauty of cultural and aesthetic diversity, so for us dance is just the beginning.